Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kalli and the pumpkins

Kalli decided to carve pumpkins on Saturday. No newspaper, but many knives, a silver and black Sharpie, spoons & a strawberry tool were used. She also decided we should be able to use the stringy-stuff that is in the inside of the pumpkin. Oh, the mind of a soon-to-be 18-year-old!

She made a typical jack-o'lantern face. You can see the Sharpie on the pumpkin; Kalli did scrape it off with her fingernail; very much like scraping off a code on a piece of paper. Brought back many memories for her - it's
the little things they remember about their childhood.

A new picture with Briar!
She is almost finished with obedience school. One more week of class; we'll see how much she's learned.
She is a great helper - ha! ha!

Kalli's "new friend", Micah. They have been friends since middle school. He didn't want to carve a pumpkin, but Kalli has great persuasive skills. Need I say more!
Both pumpkins are on the porch with tealights in them. They are BOO-tiful!

Friday, October 9, 2009

K in the sunflowers!

I'm trying my hand at photographing people. My guinea pig is my beautiful, youngest daughter, K. She is a senior this year, and frankly, the two people I want to take her pictures do not live near me. So, I'm taking a few throughout the year to see what transpires.

I've always said "I want to take her picture in the sunflowers" that are everywhere in September, but it never fails that we wait too long. This year I drug her out of the house one evening when we should have been focusing on dinner. They turned out okay, but I can see I need plenty of practice.

The pesky sun made for some interesting shadows.

I think the last one is the best!

We'll try again next week - it's fall break!

Monday, August 31, 2009


I've decided today is the day I need to post something. Our puppy is the evil dog that is responsible for tearing apart any stuffed animal, rope or plastic toy that is given to her. She has obliterated all of the animals from our dearly departed Rusty. She cannot stand for any stuffed object to have stuffing, eyes, ears, legs, etc. The squeaker in any toy is subject for fair game. Rubber or plastic - you are dead! She is the great rescuer of socks. She loves to play with the neighbors dogs and cats. Great relief - Rusty was NOT social.
We have grown to love this vivacious mutt of a dog. Kalli picked her out at Petco on East weekend. Her mom is a border collie - she does not look like a border collie. Just so you know, Kalli picked the "calm one". There is more to tell, but it would take too long. There's always another day.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My baby is 22 today!

I cannot believe 22 years ago today I gave birth to a 6lb. 14oz. baby girl!  We thought it would be a boy - good thing it wasn't because we didn't have a boy name picked out.  She arrived three weeks early - please don't be jealous.  We definitely weren't ready - Bill had to go buy the crib mattress and put the crib together in the evenings while we were in the hospital.  We called my mom to tell her to bring a camera when she came to work that morning - she was a nurse on the same floor in the hospital, but not in OB.  She only stayed a few minutes because she had to get to work - Sister let her come down once we had her, right after 7:30am.  That must be why they have such a great relationship - Granma Virgie - gotta love her! Since she was early she turned a little yellow - stayed seven days in hospital - not exactly the Ritz!  I have so many great memories with this precious bundle of joy that I would be telling tales all night long.  

So tonight she is out with many of her crazy sorority sisters that are truly a family.  Even though we didn't see eye-to-eye on this, she needs to know that we still love her and this is part of growing up. It's tough making decisions and then following through with those decisions. 
I've always seen her on her birthday so it is a little bittersweet.  Tomorrow will come and I will get to see her beautiful face once again.

Happy Birthday Lauren!  May this year be full adventure.  It's bound to happen.
love you always, mom 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rusty, sweet dog and puppy

It is with great sorrow that I write about my beautiful Rusty.  He was the dog I never wanted.  I must have known that when he would die, it would break my heart into more pieces than I could ever imagine.  
Rusty found us in June 2000.  He wandered onto our lawn and Bill and the kids fell in love with him.  I didn't.  I didn't want a dog because I knew I would be responsible for one more "person" in my home.  I did fall in love with him.  He never failed to love.  He brought laughter to our family.  He didn't care for the cats in the neighborhood, the squirrels in the trees or the skunks on the golf course.  I can't count the number of tomato juice baths he was given.  He was a great walking companion, the great protector from the UPS and FedEx man, and my friend when the rest of the family was gone for the evening or night.  I will miss the red hairballs  on the tile and the masses of red hair in the vacuum.  I will miss that we had to carry him into the dog wash. He was afraid of water.  He was petrified of thunderstorms. He loved to bury the steak bones we gave him.  He howled at all sirens, inside or outside.  He loved Bill the most.  Kalli taught him tricks - she was trying to teach him right and left.  We always called him "puppy" even though he was far from being a puppy.  He loved the guinea pigs.  He had two stuffed dogs that he slept with every night. I will miss the fact that he was just the best dog God could have sent to us - he came potty trained.  I guess I thought he would live forever, or at least as long as I lived.  What was I thinking?

Rusty left us on March 29 after becoming suddenly ill.  We will miss him so much.  He will forever be in our hearts.  Rest in peace sweet puppy.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break in the wind

It seems that this break has just breezed by way too fast.
It could be that time won't stand still for me and just let
the people I love stay in one place for more than a moment.

Lauren left for Panama City with a group of sorority sisters 
on Friday and came back Thursday.

Jordan came home on Saturday.

Bill left on Sunday for Washington DC to attend a class for the 
Guard and came back home on Friday.

Jordan, Kalli and I went to Dallas on Monday and Tuesday.  The plan was to see King Tut, but I didn't plan ahead - NO tickets.  So we thought we would go to the Aquarium.  Can you believe there was a very long line?  Kalli made the command decision to not stand in line and head on back to OKC.  We did eat at two of our favorite eateries and did some shopping at Northpark, Allen Outlets and a new favorite, Home Goods.  I have learned my lesson, thank you very much. (Kalli & Jordan @ the Aquarium.) 

Kalli left on Thursday morning on a mission trip to southern OK to spruce up a handicap campground (dare you to say that fast five times) with our LifeChurch campus youth group.  She text me last night to let me know "it's a tad cool here".  I don't think she packed any "warm" clothes. She gets back today!

I will have everyone around tonight and half a day tomorrow before everyone scatters again.  I am extremely sad about this.  I hate that everyone is growing up!  I don't know how this happened.  

If I could find the clock that would turn back the hands of time, I would.
If I could bottle them, I would.
If I could put bricks on their heads to stop them from growing, I would.
But since I can't, I will love them while they are here and enjoy their
faces and their sounds as much as possible until we are all together

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jordan's home!

Jordan is home for the week!  I just made him chocolate chip cookie dough, and some cookies.  I can't ship cookie dough - I should figure that out for him.  Wouldn't that be a nice surprise.  

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have to say that I have not slept very well since Bill came home.  I don't know what it is that causes this problem. Could be an age thing?  Could be that when he is gone I can have my bedroom very cold with the ceiling fan on and the heat turned down in the house.  I really don't care about Kalli's comfort; she has a space heater.  I don't toss and turn, so it's not the fact that I require the space of a king-size bed.  So I have come to the conclusion that it is just too much work to sleep through the night - I need a break!  I figure out the next night's dinner, plan out my day, or maybe just watch the show's that I have tivo'd the night before.  It totally sucks, but someone has to do it!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Texas - cousins

Me and Michelle

First we visited Allison in Forney. We hadn't seen them since last year, so of course, they have changed. Alex, 5 1/2, is just precious. She is so patient and quiet. That is hard to fathom if you have ever met her younger sister, Ava. Those two words do not describe her in any way. Alex has always had these wonderful traits. She gets these from her Mom because like I said, "have you ever met Ava?"


Kalli and Allison

Ava turned two in December and is speaking at a rapid rate. We had a contest on who could say "my Bill" the most. She's only seen a picture of Bill on my phone, but it proved to be a great game. She pesters to the max, which makes her adorable, but is quick on the "hug" when she gets in trouble. No two children are alike, and God made sure this happened in Allison's house!


Two weekends later Kalli & I visited Lisa on our way back from Corpus Christi (another story). This was our fist time to see Lily. She was born on August 18, between my Dad's (17) and Jordan's (19) b-days, so it will be easy to remember the date. What can you say about Lily? Cute, quiet, scrumptious, huggable, and you gotta love those arms and legs! Lisa and Joel were excellent hosts - such a relaxing visit. That's right, I fell asleep watching Madagscar 2!

Kalli, Lily and Lexi (the dog totally posed for this!)

Lisa, Lily and Kalli

Visits are fun, never dull. Not often enough, but special when they happen. You all do know where Oklahoma is located? If not, mapquest it! Hope to see you all soon!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lucy & Ethel

It's been a crazy few days.  I've been in five different airports in the past two weeks.
Of course Oklahoma City, but also Denver, Tucson, Houston Hobby and Corpus Christi. They are all unique - different sizes, food venues, gift shops and book stores. This means I have read two books in the last two weeks also.  I started the James Patterson series "The Women's Murder Club" last year when I went on several trips.  I think I just have to read the seventh book to get caught up.  They are definitely "vacation" reads!

I traveled to Tucson to visit my friend Risa.  We've kept in touch over the years, but haven't seen each other in over THIRTEEN years.  We became friends while her husband was in pilot training at Vance AFB in Enid.  She was a newlywed and I wasn't dating anyone, so I was adopted to tag along to the Officer's Club on Friday 
nights where there was an abundance of future pilots.  Needless to say I did meet my husband at the O-Club, but not through Risa.  That is another day, another story.  Risa gave me a nickname that has stuck over the years - in fact, her entire family uses that name.  And no, I will not tell you what it is!   

Jeff, Risa's husband, was out of town on an airline trip - he is a pilot for America West.
Jennifer, daughter, is studying abroad in South Africa.  I did get to see her via Skype on the internet.  Jonathan, better known as Jono, brought along his friend, Daschel(?), to meet me.  He attends the University of Arizona, which is in Tucson.  He is pretty funny, but aren't most college students.  And yes, he did use my nickname.
Risa's mom has moved to Tucson; she was so cute showing her apartment to me.  I loved it when Risa's parents would come visit her in Enid.  They treated me like I was one of their long, lost daughters.

Risa is the best tour guide in Tucson.  We 
visited so many places in just a few
days, I can't even tell everywhere we went. She did all the driving, and she did!  Sabino Canyon, a dude ranch, several resorts, the Arizona Inn, and Dottie gave us a tour of Canyon Ranch.  We drove around the University campus, met her co-workers, had dinner with her friends and found a great store that is not in OKC - which it should be - Home Goods!  Thank heavens we can go to one in Dallas.  (Be scared Allison - guess where we are going!) OH!  I loved the cactus!  
I have to say that I cannot wait to visit Risa again!  We picked up where we had left off "yesterday", and it makes me sad that we have been friends for such a long time, but her friends in Tucson know her better than I do.  Not fair!  I'm also sad that our children do not know each other.  I do know that I could move to Tucson and that we would be great friends just like we were twenty-six years ago.  We would have to make sure Bill and Jeff had trips at the same time - then we could be Lucy and Ethel again!  

Love you Risa!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our new roof has totally stressed out Rusty!

The hailstorm we had in November has blessed us with a new roof.
We've lived here for 14 years, so I guess we were due.  So Rhett, roofer guy,
called yesterday to let us know we had some good days ahead to get the job done.
I left for work today with a beautiful winter lawn intact, except for the dog poop.
This is what I came home to see today  - the backyard is pretty much the same.

They have actually cleaned up alot in the front and most of it in the back.  So
tomorrow they will be putting the decking on and then the shingles.  The crazy 
thing about this roof is our trusty dog Rusty.

He has worked himself into a frenzy from being stuck in the house all day.
He made himself sick in the house.  Don't you know I love him?
I took this picture of him while I was standing outside.  I think it's funny
how the reflection of the hose looks like a partial halo on his head!
Not possible - he is the local sheriff to cats, squirrels, skunks and most men.
We've kept him inside - he may be partial to "Mexican" food also.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I believe she has grown up #2

So Kalli and I were in Forney over the weekend having fun with the "A" girls.  Boy, did I forget what it was like to have little people around for more than an hour or two.  Alex is so calm and such a great big sister to AVA ( the reason she is in caps is because she is such a presence - I don't know any other way to describe her).  I loved being around them - reminded me of days past.  I got to thinking about Ava's age and realized that she is the same age Jordan was when I had Kalli.  What was I thinking?  Thanks for letting us invade your life Allison.
What makes me sad today is Kalli growing up.  When she was young, and I mean from baby to not so many years ago, she had a Puffalump baby doll.  She could not go anywhere without that baby for years.  Don't get me started about the time we lost it in a drive-through or the times we would find it in the pantry or 'frig.  It was precious.  I made my first e-bay purchase buying THREE of them so we would never be without again.                                                                                                                
Half way throught grade school she didn't need it except for at nighttime.  It has been in her closet for the past four years.  Last night she was cleaning out her closet and found two of them.  She asked me what she should do with them.  I thought she would always cherish them just like I cherish her everyday.  But now they are just pink dolls that she wants to give away.  Even writing this makes me sad, and I could really cry, but I won't!
I guess they are more precious to me because I remember her loving them with all her heart and it just brings me back to a time I will never get back.  I hate that she is 17!
So I will look for a place to store them away for my own memories just like I have done with Jordan's Big Bird and Pongo from 101 Dalamations and Lauren's many Barbies.  Someday I will give them away, but until then I will cherish the sweet, sweet memories of my babies.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

This is my new blog

I hope someone besides Allison reads it. Thanks for visiting.