I cannot believe 22 years ago today I gave birth to a 6lb. 14oz. baby girl! We thought it would be a boy - good thing it wasn't because we didn't have a boy name picked out. She arrived three weeks early - please don't be jealous. We definitely weren't ready - Bill had to go buy the crib mattress and put the crib together in the evenings while we were in the hospital. We called my mom to tell her to bring a camera when she came to work that morning - she was a nurse on the same floor in the hospital, but not in OB. She only stayed a few minutes because she had to get to work - Sister let her come down once we had her, right after 7:30am. That must be why they have such a great relationship - Granma Virgie - gotta love her! Since she was early she turned a little yellow - stayed seven days in hospital - not exactly the Ritz! I have so many great memories with this precious bundle of joy that I would be telling tales all night long.
So tonight she is out with many of her crazy sorority sisters that are truly a family. Even though we didn't see eye-to-eye on this, she needs to know that we still love her and this is part of growing up. It's tough making decisions and then following through with those decisions.
I've always seen her on her birthday so it is a little bittersweet. Tomorrow will come and I will get to see her beautiful face once again.
Happy Birthday Lauren! May this year be full adventure. It's bound to happen.
love you always, mom