Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kalli and the pumpkins

Kalli decided to carve pumpkins on Saturday. No newspaper, but many knives, a silver and black Sharpie, spoons & a strawberry tool were used. She also decided we should be able to use the stringy-stuff that is in the inside of the pumpkin. Oh, the mind of a soon-to-be 18-year-old!

She made a typical jack-o'lantern face. You can see the Sharpie on the pumpkin; Kalli did scrape it off with her fingernail; very much like scraping off a code on a piece of paper. Brought back many memories for her - it's
the little things they remember about their childhood.

A new picture with Briar!
She is almost finished with obedience school. One more week of class; we'll see how much she's learned.
She is a great helper - ha! ha!

Kalli's "new friend", Micah. They have been friends since middle school. He didn't want to carve a pumpkin, but Kalli has great persuasive skills. Need I say more!
Both pumpkins are on the porch with tealights in them. They are BOO-tiful!

Friday, October 9, 2009

K in the sunflowers!

I'm trying my hand at photographing people. My guinea pig is my beautiful, youngest daughter, K. She is a senior this year, and frankly, the two people I want to take her pictures do not live near me. So, I'm taking a few throughout the year to see what transpires.

I've always said "I want to take her picture in the sunflowers" that are everywhere in September, but it never fails that we wait too long. This year I drug her out of the house one evening when we should have been focusing on dinner. They turned out okay, but I can see I need plenty of practice.

The pesky sun made for some interesting shadows.

I think the last one is the best!

We'll try again next week - it's fall break!